District Technology Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

Access to Electronic Media

Frankfort Independent Schools believes that children can benefit from relevant and educational experiences involving a wide array of technological and electronic resources.

The Board supports reasonable access for both students and adults to various electronic resources and believes it is incumbent upon all users to utilize this privilege in an appropriate and responsible manner as required by this policy and related procedures, which apply to all parties who use District technology. (KSBA 08.2323, 2012, p. 1)

This Acceptable Use Policy, commonly referred to as the AUP, addresses the use of these electronic assets and resources provided by the District, which are in place to support the educational and instructional operations, as well as the 21st Century learning vision of the District, and are not to be used for personal, public, private, or commercial gain.

While our intent is to make access to electronic resources available to further educational goals and objectives, users may find ways to access other content not in alignment or approval with District initiatives. The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for ensuring appropriate use of electronic resources by students, staff, and the community.

Acceptable Use Policy and Related Procedures