Homecoming is next week! Check out the spirit dress up days!

Please see the graphic for the FIS tuition announcement!

Panther families - please watch the video below for information on the importance of the Household Income Form and instructions on how to fill it out correctly. If you have questions, please contact your school(s) or the central office.


FIS Families,
If you need Holiday Assistance, please review this information. (Info can be found on the Live Feed, SSS Facebook Page and SSS Newsletter)

We would like to give a big Panther welcome to our new Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment -- Kevin Bandura. Mr. Bandura comes to the FIS via the Lincoln County Schools, Danville Independent Schools, and the Kentucky Department of Education. Welcome, Mr. Bandura!

Join is tomorrow evening to support our student-athletes!

We will see you on Tuesday! #WeAreFrankfort

Mark your calendars, Senior Parents! #FISelevate #WeAreFrankfort #PantherPRIDE

Please see the attached letter in the Live Feed from SSS Administration.

Our Healthy Kids Clinic school nurses are not only staples in our schools, but also in our community. In June, they participated in the Unity in the Community Health Fair by offering blood pressure screenings to community members.
Thank you for all that you do! #FISelevate

Panther Families and Community - please see the letter below concerning recent news regarding an employee at Second Street School. Please know that the safety of our students in the FIS, is always our number one priority.

REMINDER: Second Street, Frankfort High, Central Office, and the Field House at Sower Field, all have free WIFI access in the parking lots. Please take advantage of this resource that we are providing for our families and community. Please see the pictures below for locations.

To all of our Panthers - please see below for a COVID update from the district. Please contact the Franklin Co. Health Department or our Healthy Kids Clinic if you have any questions.

Good afternoon,
Attached you will find our annual terroristic threatening letter, which we are required to send out every year. Pleas do not be alarmed, this is a routine procedure.
Bobby Driskell

Please see the announcement below about the Singing Bridge. It will be closed on Wednesday, August 10. Please find an alternate route.

Drama auditions are THIS THURSDAY, August 11th, from 7:30pm-8:30pm in the FHS auditorium. Auditions are open to all 3rd-12th grade students!

We apologize for the late notification but we wanted to make sure you received this information again. All Montrose Park and Kirkland Field’s students will be picked up at the bus stop in the picture at 6:45am. Busses are not able to make it down the road with parked cars. Thanks you and we will see you tomorrow!

It's go time, Panthers! We are ready to ELEVATE!
#FISOneWord #WeAreFrankfort #PantherPRIDE

All SSS families will enter through our front office tonight! Back to school kicks off at 4:30pm and ends at 6:00pm! We can’t wait to see you!