Signs are going up! Remember your car can not be “standing”/parked on 2nd street when waiting for school to open or dismiss!
over 2 years ago, Sam Sams
no parking
SBDM approved our new Citizenship Policy on 7/26/22. This policy explains our behavior expectations as a school, the supports we have in place and the consequence matrix if expectations are not met. We are thrilled with the input we received from all stakeholders to help shape this work. Thank you! This policy is available on our website and is included in our student handbook.
over 2 years ago, Sam Sams
Start Dates for Second Street! 1st-8th Grade - August 2nd Kindergarten - August 3rd
over 2 years ago, Sam Sams
Start Dates
SSS Back to School is THIS THURSDAY, 7/28/22! Please check out the graphic to see what we have in store for you!
over 2 years ago, Sam Sams
SSS Back to School
It's almost that time, Panthers! Please join us on July 28, 2022 for our Back to School events. Save the date! #WeAreFrankfort #PantherPRIDE
over 2 years ago, Sheri Satterly
back to school
Second Street School is ready for school supplies! Each grade level has their own supply list, but we also keep a Community Supply Closet. If you would like to donate school supplies to our community closet, please reach out to Second Street School.
over 2 years ago, Sheri Satterly
school supplies
school supplies
school supplies
school supplies
Will your student be participating in any type of athletic at SSS or FHS? Come out on Thursday, July 21 for your free sports physical, provided by our Healthy Kids Clinic.
over 2 years ago, Sheri Satterly
sports physicals
A wonderful opportunity for our community!
over 2 years ago, Sheri Satterly
We have a new #WeAreFrankfort Facebook page for our district. Please visit the link below, click the like button, and follow us on Facebook!
over 2 years ago, Sheri Satterly
FIS Students, Families, Staff, and Community - thank you for welcoming me with open arms and excitement! My family and I are excited to be a part of the Panther community and tradition! ~Sheri D. Satterly
over 2 years ago, Sheri Satterly
Family Welcome Letter_SSatterly
FRANKFORT INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION NAMES NEW SUPERINTENDENT; SATTERLY BRINGS ELEMENTARY, MIDDLE, HIGH SCHOOL AND CENTRAL OFFICE EXPERIENCE, DEPTH OF KNOWLEDGE IN FINANCE AND ARTS Frankfort, KY (June 28, 2022) - The Frankfort Independent Schools Board of Education announced the hiring of Sheri Satterly as the district’s next Superintendent at a special called meeting Tuesday. The board unanimously approved a four-year contract with Satterly, who currently serves as Assistant Superintendent and Chief Academic Officer of Danville Independent Schools. A Danville alumna, Satterly is also a veteran educator for the district. Her 18-year tenure has included service as an elementary school music teacher and reading interventionist; a middle school counselor and principal; and a high school guidance counselor overseeing college and career readiness. As an administrator overseeing the district’s instructional programs and services, Satterly also developed expertise in financial management, federal programs such as Title I and ESSER, and Comprehensive School/District Improvement Planning. Satterly facilitated the formation of Danville Independent’s Equity Council and serves on the Kentucky Association of School Administrators’ Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee. A vocalist and former choral director, Satterly also brings to Frankfort a passion for excellence in the arts. Board Chair Jina Greathouse praised Satterly’s depth of experience and reputation as a servant-leader, noting that the board plans to host a community meet-and-greet in August. “We look forward to introducing Ms. Satterly to our students, staff, families and community. It was clear from the outset that she has done her homework on our district, and she is ready and eager to join the Panther family as our next Superintendent.” Satterly will assume the Superintendent role this Friday, July 1. She will fill the vacancy left by Dr. Houston Barber, who announced his resignation in April after accepting the position of Fayette County Public Schools Deputy Superintendent.
over 2 years ago, Jonathan Jones
Superintendent Satterly
4-5-2022 Dear FIS Families, Students, Staff and Community, The love I have for this school system and community is unwavering and deep-rooted to the core of my mind, body, and spirit. I am so grateful and thankful that the FIS Board of Education Team afforded me the opportunity to collaborate with such wonderful teams and individuals to support the transformation of the lives of so many students in order that they become the best version of themselves. Over the last 7 years, we have accomplished too many things to name and I say we because it was a complete team effort. Our focus throughout my tenure has been students! While I thought and dreamed that I would remain in Frankfort Independent Schools the rest of my career, ultimately, I have decided to accept another position that begins July 1, 2022. I intend to remain in Frankfort Independent Schools until June 30, 2022 as we begin a transition plan. The team we have in place in FIS is highly functional and I have full confidence the work will carry forward and even accelerate beyond measure. This is the single toughest decision my family and I have had to make in terms of next steps together with the focus on work and life. We will remain in the Frankfort community and my kids will continue to attend school in Frankfort Independent Schools. This is my family and my love for you will continue! I am a Panther for life! Best, Houston Barber
almost 3 years ago, Houston McLain Barber
Barber 4-5-2022
Frankfort High School is thrilled to announce that Ethan Atchley will be the next Head Football Coach at Frankfort High School. He brings a wealth of knowledge and wisdom to lead our young men at FHS. He is meeting with the players today. Check out the attached press release.
about 3 years ago, Houston McLain Barber
Ethan Atchley Press Release 3-9-2022
Frankfort High School is excited to announce the hiring of Kelcie Turner as Frankfort High School's next Varsity Volleyball Coach. Please check out the attached press release. Congrats to Coach Turner and welcome to the Panther Family.
about 3 years ago, Houston McLain Barber
Kelcie Turner Press Release 3-8-2022
Good morning FIS Families! We have continued to follow CDC guidelines with great success. In following with updated guidance, we will be moving to mask optional beginning March 7, 2022. We ask that you respect and support each other whether choosing to mask or not. Go Panthers!
about 3 years ago, Houston McLain Barber
Mask Optional - Beginning Monday, March 7
Frankfort Independent Schools & Healthy Kids Clinic Hold Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to Announce Partnership 2/11/2022 Governor Andy Beshear was the keynote speaker yesterday for the ribbon cutting and announcement of the opening of two new Healthy Kids Clinics in the Frankfort Independent School System. “Partnerships like this one with Cumberland Family Medical Center’s Healthy Kids Clinic and the Frankfort Independent Schools make it easier for parents and guardians by ensuring their kids get the care and treatment they need,” said Gov. Andy Beshear. “Having this clinic here, and in other Kentucky schools, will help produce a generation of students who will make better health choices when they become adults, and that will help Kentucky become stronger, healthier and more resilient.” Healthy Kids Clinics are school-based health centers located on-campus that provide a full range of health care needs for students and staff alike regardless of economic or insurance status. “The motivation behind Healthy Kids Clinics is simply to provide a means by which absenteeism is decreased, academic achievement is increased, and a whole generation of healthier, better educated Kentuckians is created,” stated Dr. Eric Loy, CEO and Medical Director of Cumberland Family Medical Center, Inc. “Our mission is to provide accessible, affordable, and high-quality health care where it is needed the most. In this case, it happens to be in a school-setting.” Also, on hand to celebrate the ribbon cutting, was Angela McDonald, BSN RN, State School Nurse Consultant with the KY Department of Education. Managed by Cumberland Family Medical Centers, Inc., a Federally Qualified Health Center network, Healthy Kids Clinics are in 18 school districts and on 113 school campuses across the state where they provide on-site primary care and preventive care to students and staff.
about 3 years ago, Houston McLain Barber
Healthy Kids Clinic - FIS Ribbon Cutting
FIS Panther Families - Due to icy conditions and hazardous road conditions, Frankfort Independent Schools will be closed tomorrow Friday February 4, 2022. This is a traditional snow day. Be safe!
about 3 years ago, Houston McLain Barber
Panther Families - Frankfort Independent Schools will be closed tomorrow February 3, 2022 (including Early Learning Academy) due to the ice storm warning and the declared State of Emergency from Gov. Beshear. All athletics and activities will be cancelled. Please be safe!
about 3 years ago, Houston McLain Barber
Happy Sunday! I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Frankfort Independent Schools has been consistent in following CDC Guidelines throughout this pandemic. The CDC recently changed their guidance and we are following the latest guidelines. Here are the latest updated guidelines : Quarantine & Contact Tracing Individuals with an at-school exposure don't need to quarantine if they aren't having symptoms but are recommended to test on days 5-7. If it is an outside of school exposure, the following individuals must quarantine: Anyone who isn't vaccinated and anyone over 18 who isn't up to date with recommended Covid-19 vaccines. For Test To Stay: -Patient must be asymptomatic -When participating in the program, the patient must wear a mask -Students and staff are allowed to participate -Outside of school exposures can now be tested Test to Stay Day 0 - {LAST DAY OF EXPOSURE TO POSITIVE CASE} No testing --- Allowed to stay at school ---- Day 1- test- Go to school only if negative Day 2- test-Go to school only if negative Day 3- test-Go to school only if negative Day 4- test-Go to school only if negative Day 5- test - Go to school only if negative **(Special Note-If Day 5 falls on a weekend or day that school is not in session, then individual will be tested the next day that school is in session Thank you and let's keep our students safe and in school! Best, Houston Barber
about 3 years ago, Houston McLain Barber
Frankfort High School Families and Students, Basketball Homecoming is a long-standing tradition at FHS, and our staff and students have been working diligently to ensure that our Homecoming week (Jan. 24-29) can occur safely this year! Most surrounding districts are completely cancelling events such as these due to the struggles of Covid-19. However, Frankfort High is happy to announce that we will offer this privilege to our students this year! In order to keep our families safe, students will need to follow certain protocols next week as they partake in exciting and engaging activities! Highlights of the week will include Pajama Day, the traditional Junior-Senior Basketball Playoff, a visit from Tom’s Coffee truck at our Winter Wonderland Soc Hop, and music by the most highly acclaimed DJ in town, Ricky Redden! SCREENING TESTING: Our greatest concern is the health and wellbeing of our students, and FIS is proud to offer an expanded healthcare capacity with the recent addition of our Healthy Kids Clinic. Therefore, our district will be requiring that every student planning to attend the Homecoming Dance on Saturday, January 29 participate in screening testing on Friday, January 28th. Your student can reserve a spot for their Covid-19 test at the Healthy Kids Clinic by signing up for a Basketball Homecoming ticket at lunch today (Friday) or Monday. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT RESERVE A TEST BY SIGNING UP TO ATTEND WILL NOT BE ADMINISTERED A TEST AND THEREFORE WILL NOT ALLOWED TO ENTER THE DANCE. Next Friday morning, students will be called down to our auditorium in cohorts of about 20. Covid-19 rapid test will by administered by our Healthy Kids Clinic nurses, and students will wait in the auditorium to be notified of their results. This process will align with the current protocols of our Healthy Kids Clinic, always ensuring the confidentiality of student test results. This will be a very quick and easy process for your child, and, most importantly, all students who attend the Homecoming Dance will know that every attendee tested negative for Covid-19 prior to the event. If your child tests positive, a virtual Homecoming viewing will be available! Information about this will be given to your student next week. SYMPTOMS FORM: Your student will also be required to fill out their Covid-19 Symptoms Form on Saturday, January 29th. This will be shared via email to your student, but you can also share the link below with them. We encourage students to fill this out on Saturday PRIOR TO ARRIVING at the Homecoming Dance. This will ensure that the process of entering the dance runs smoothly. However, if your student forgets to fill out the brief questionnaire prior, devices will be provided for your student to complete this vital check-in before entering the dance. If your student is displaying an excess number of Covid-19 symptoms as evident within their questionnaire responses, they will be asked by an administrator to contact a parent or guardian and make arrangements to leave the facility. We will offer a waiting room for students who are symptomatic for Covid-19. As students enter, staff will be double-checking that all students received a negative test result. IF A STUDENT TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVID-19 AND ARRIVES AT THE DANCE, THEY WILL NOT BE ADMITTED AND WILL BE ASKED TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO LEAVE. IF A STUDENT DID NOT GET TESTED AT SCHOOL ON FRIDAY MORNING, THEY WILL ALSO BE ASKED TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO LEAVE THE FACILITY. This is a non-negotiable policy set in place to keep our students and families safe. Required Questionnaire - POLICY IF A STUDENT IS UNAVAILABLE TO TEST ON FRIDAY MORNING: Students who have an unexcused absence on Friday morning should arrange for a Covid-19 test at another location or at the Healthy Kids Clinic on Thursday, January 27th. If this applies to your student, please notify Student Services Director, Brittney Howell, Students who are only planning to attend the Pep Rally and Basketball Games will not be required to participate in screening testing. GUEST POLICY: Your student is welcome to bring an out-of-district guest! Guests will need to complete the Guest Guidelines Form. Copies of this form are available in the front office and at the Homecoming Ticket table during lunch. A copy of the Guidelines form is also attached to this email. The guest must receive a negative Covid-19 test result. The Guest Guidelines form is due no later than Friday, January 28th to Assistant Principal Foley. Guests also must fill out the symptoms questionnaire and they must upload a photo copy of their negative test result within this form. Required Questionnaire - MASKING: Furthermore, we ask that students continue to wear masks at all indoor events - our annual Pep Rally, during the Basketball Games, the Homecoming Court Ceremony, and at the dance. Remember to encourage your child to wear their mask properly - over their nose and mouth. If your student is in need of a mask, the front office at FHS has plenty available upon request. KN95 masks will be provided to all students at the dance. SCHEDULE & FUN HIGHLIGHTS: Beyond the logistics, the Pep Club has planned a super exciting week ahead! Encourage your student to get involved in as many events as possible! Spirit Days Monday-Friday, January 24-28 (see graphic attached) Pep Rally: Friday, January 28th @Ewing Street Gym @1:30-3:00 p.m. FHS Girls Basketball Home Game Friday, Jan. 28th @6 p.m. FHS Boys Basketball Home Game Friday, Jan. 28th @7:45 p.m. 2022 Homecoming Court Ceremony during Boys Game halftime A Winter Wonderland Homecoming Soc Hop/Dance @Ewing Street Gym Saturday, January 29th @8:00-11:00 p.m. Remind your student that if they dress up on any Spirit Day, they will earn a free drink from Tom’s Coffee Truck at the dance on Saturday. The truck will be fully functioning at the facility from 9:00-10:30. Furthermore, students are encouraged to wear winter socks to our Homecoming Dance and participate in the Soc Hop. This is the Pep Club’s creative way of keeping the new gym floor in good shape! Students will be able to check in their shoes with staff at the entrance - similar to a coat check process. If your student does not want to participate in the Soc Hop, they will not be required to. Once shoes are checked in, students can show off their socks on the dance floor or in the photo booth! Your student can win a free pair of winter socks by entering our raffle while they sign up for a Homecoming ticket during lunch. They can also win socks by having the best spirit day outfits! We can’t wait to see your student getting involved. It's going to be a great (and Covid Friendly) week!
about 3 years ago, Houston McLain Barber
Homecoming Spirit Week
Basketball Homecoming Covid-19 Policies
Homecoming Game